How long have you been with Wentworth and what is your role? 30 years. I started with Wentworth in 1992, became partners with Mark Wentworth in 1996 and purchased the other half in 2002.

What does a typical work day look like for you? I start my day communicating by email, phone, & text, then continue to cascade our values and processes by preparing meetings, site visits and identifying and removing obstacles and barriers so my teams can do their best.

What makes you most proud to work at Wentworth? To exceed our clients’ expectations by putting all our team’s collaborative efforts into each of our projects. This results in a highly crafted home that we all can be proud of.

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned working at Wentworth?  Communicate and defend the process. Care for your clients and team. Resolve issues and remove obstacles. Create consistency with an even cadence. 

What’s your favorite home you’ve worked on with Wentworth and why? I truly love all of construction projects and appreciate the niche we have created. The joy is in doing it as best as we can.

If you could give advice to a person just starting their career in your industry, what would you say? There is huge demand currently. It is an immediate reward for building something, especially as a collaborative team, to look back on a day or a week or the month and see the progress, and to know you are part of building someone’s home where their life memories will be made.

What is your favorite way to spend your free time? Golf, flyfishing, traveling, & time with family.

What is an interesting fact about you? When I commit to something, I’m all in.